Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013

Tracking What Your Child Does With Their iPad

Read more about Tracking What Your Child Does With Their iPad here

Find more about Tracking What Your Child Does With Their iPad here

WWQQ02ICRgdMnuMAsaG83zl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVaiQDB_Rd1H6kmuBWtceBJ We live in a digital society and out children are much different from we were when we were their age! Children today seem to grow up very quickly and they are now interested in many activities that are close to adult interests. This is both a blessing and a curse. It is great to see children who are so comfortable with technology and it certainly offers up a wide range of opportunities to them. However, there is also a growing concern among parents about the possible dangers that can be encountered when children are using modern devices such as iPads to access the internet. Children cannot judge the dangers of the internet the way that adults can and therefore they need out protection.

Parenting is quite possibly the hardest job in the world, and while we do not want to deny our kids the chance to enjoy these modern gadgets, neither do we wish them to be placed in danger. We must carefully weigh up the possible consequences of giving children iPads or other tablet devices. There are so many apps and games available to our children through these devices that it becomes increasingly difficult to police what they are looking at on the internet. Once a child has the iPad it is likely they will want to use it at every opportunity and this is when the battle begins. It is normal to see kids be secretive about their online activities, especially with teenagers, and this leads parents to become suspicious. However, confrontation usually results in even more secrecy – no to mention tantrums!

Despite this minefield, as a parent there is not only the authority but also the responsibility to ensure that their children are both safe, and behaving appropriately for their age. It is a given that in the teenage years kids will pick up bad habits from friends and older siblings and despite the fact that social networks are usually restricted to over 13 year olds only, many ids simply adjust their date of birth in order to gain access. If left to their own devices on the internet, your child could be exposed to cyber bullying, identity theft, online predators and material not appropriate to their age. It is important for parents to take a proactive role in teaching their child to be safe online.

If your child has an iPad, then you will probably want to consider installing mSpy – a powerful iPad monitoring software which allows you to keep track of what your child is doing during all those hours on their iPad. This includes logging which websites they visit, chat conversations and even GPS locations when the child is out of the house. This allows parents to uncover the truth about their child’s online activities without the verbal showdown that comes with asking to see what they are doing! This is a great way to ensure your child’s safety without them feeling like you are breathing down their neck. Often just knowing the software is there can give parents some much needed peace of mind.

Montag, 25. Februar 2013

3 Reasons To Use Cell Phone Tracking Apps

Read more about 3 Reasons To Use Cell Phone Tracking Apps here

Find more about 3 Reasons To Use Cell Phone Tracking Apps here

Think Your Kids are Doing Things They Shouldn’t Do?

1969750-385595-happy-children-in-colors-vector-art All around us, one the most fantastic social revolutions of the century is taking shape. It is, however, unfortunate that almost everyone who is under the age of 21 is completely unaware of it.

Nowadays, kids and teens are completely immersed in the mobile world. In this scenario, parents need to go beyond the regular and extend their parenting to include the world of mobile phones. One of the best ways to do this is through mSpy, a powerful and easy-to-access mobile phone application that will give you almost 100% control over all of your kid’s devices.

With mSpy, you can:

- determine the location of your child instantly.

- protect your child from cyber criminals and predators.

- prevent cyber bullying.

- provide your child with parental supervision.

- encourage intelligent and responsible usage of mobiles.

Once mSpy has been downloaded and installed on your child’s cellphone, you will be able to supervise and monitor as much of the cellphone activity as your desire or need to. You will be able to:

- monitor all incoming and outgoing calls, text messages, emails, etc.

- know the exact location of your child at any point through GPS and mobile network data.

Worried that Your Employees are not Telling you the Whole Truth?

spy Have you ever thought that your employees could be involved in selling off the important and confidential information about your company? Maybe they are trading secrets to your competition and making money off this. If this is the case, your company could be in big trouble. One way to ensure this is not happening is by monitoring the cellphones of your staff members. You could even track their GPS location to uncover shocking secrets!

mSpy is an effective and convenient application that will allow to you monitor all of your employees’ mobile activity. You will be able to gain easy access to all text messages, calls, emails as well as chat logs; and all this with just a few clicks. Start by buying the mSpy employee tracking software, install it on the cellphones that you want to target and you will get immediate access to all the data. Before things get any worse, get everything bad out of the way with mSpy!

As a business owner or executive, you must already know how difficult it is to manage your businesses’ mobile phones.

- With various operating systems and specifications, it is very difficult to find a single application that will run on all the devices.

- Mobile phones are small in size and go everywhere with everyone, this means that they are easily mislaid or stolen; this causes loss of data and increased risk to security.

- It is difficult to understand the usage patterns of cellphones because the data that is released from network operators is usually limited to invoices that are generated monthly. At best, there are primitive indications of some usage of data, so there are no details there as well.

- Mobile phones can be the source of leakage of important and confidential data. This could be accidental, as well as malicious.

- Businesses can suffer both operationally as well as economically due to lack of information and no-control over cellphone and data usage.

With mSpy, you can change all of this and keep your workplace safe.

Do You Think Your Spouse is Cheating on You?

spy-on-spouse-text-messages In a marriage, it is very easy to be blissfully ignorant or unaware of all the infidelity that might be going on. It has been noticed that spouses generally tend to ignore extramarital affairs but their occurrence is surprisingly high!

A study published in the year 2002 by the Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, conducted by Joan D. Atwood & Limor Schwartz, has revealed that about 50-60% of married men and 45-55% of married women have engaged in extramarital sex at one time or another during their marriage. As alarming as this is, there is another study that quotes the average non paternity rate at as much as 3.3%. In other words, 33 children in every 1000 are not fathered by the man everybody assumes to be their father.

Over the past, say, 20 years, infidelity has become much easier than ever before, thanks to two major technologies – social networking platforms and mobile phones. These are used by everyone and have become a part of the everyday life.

It has been seen that up-to a whopping 90% of extramarital affairs include the use of cellphones or emails. These are the preferred modes of communication.

Here’s the good news – the same technology can also be used to detect and expose infidelity.

However, if you are going to use cell phone tracking software for catching a cheating partner, make sure you are not breaking the law. While using this software on smartphones of your children or employees is absolutely legal, spying on your partner might be considered the violation of the law.

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

In Handy Sms, WhatsApp und IMessage einsehen

Read more about In Handy Sms, WhatsApp und IMessage einsehen here

Mehr über In Handy Sms, WhatsApp und IMessage einsehen gibts hier

Sie wollen die SMSn eines beliebigen Smartphones einsehen, dazu brauchen sie kein Hacker zu sein. Nichts ist heutzutage unmöglich auszuspioniert zu werden, so können auch SMSn mit geeigneten Softwares eingesehen werden. Die Spyware „mSpy“ macht es kinderleicht möglich, die intimen und privaten Nachrichten ihrer Zielperson zu lesen. Doch mit Whatsapp und Skype gibt es andere möglichkeiten Datenaustausch zu betreiben, auch diese Dienste kann die Spyware auslesen und überwachen.

Oder intressieren sie sich für die besuchten Webseiten, die App kann den gesamten Verlauf aufzeigen. Die App kann noch vieles mehr, Handyortung kann man jetzt auch bequem von zu Hause machen. Das Smartphone schnell zur Wanze transformieren auch sehr schnell möglich.

Alle Sms Nachrichten sowie WahtsApp und IMesssage Nachrichten in Echtzeit über das Online Panel mitlesen

Alle Sms Nachrichten sowie WahtsApp und IMesssage Nachrichten in Echtzeit über das Online Panel mitlesen

Der Vorteil dieser App ist die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, jeder kann mit dieser Spyware arbeiten, denn die einfache Bedienung und das große Spektrum an Funktionen machen die Software so besonders. Wie oft haben sie sich gefragt was ihr Kind oder ihr Lebenspartner macht, mit mSpy ist das schnell und präzise zu ermitteln. Sie zweifeln an der Treue ihres Lebenspartners holen sich mSpy und die Gewissheit. Das Programm lässt sich einfach auf das Zielhandy installieren und ist kompatibel mit allen möglichen Herstellern. Holen sie sich mSpy und legen sie schnell los, bevor es zu spät ist.

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013

WhatsApp Spying On iPhone 5

Read more about WhatsApp Spying On iPhone 5 here

Find more about WhatsApp Spying On iPhone 5 here

wpid-20121203-154618 If you’re wondering how you can snoop on an iPhone Whatsapp feature the time to stop looking is now. There is an app specifically designed to provide access to everything on the targeted device. The WhatsApp messenger can be viewed providing time and date stamps on all messages, including the other person’s phone numbers and identification. This is a great way to keep tabs on your child or children who have iPhone 5. Moreover, once the app is installed on the target phone, it is invisible to the user. Only the person with access to the online account may see the data transferred from the phone.

Features of WhatsApp Spy App:

This application has some cool features that allow the monitor to perform a lot of different things:

  • View conversations from the WhatsApp

  • Track names and numbers of the parties

  • Look at photos and videos taken by the phone

  • All these have time and date stamps uploaded to the online database for viewing

All of this is accomplished through the app by transmitting the data in small bursts of information; so if it is a spouse’s phone, they cannot see any detectable changes in their data packages on the bill. The beauty of this application is that you can access the online account from any computer, as long as there is internet available, nonetheless, every computer is on the internet wireless or not. Therefore, you would have the freedom to check out what’s going on while on a coffee break at work if you wish. Inside the account is the control panel where you have access to monitoring every aspect of the target phone. This way, you can find out what those, individuals are doing and whom they are doing it with.

How to Install

Installation is easy after you purchase the application. You will receive an email confirming the purchase with the information to activate your online account and access the control panel. Additionally, you must download the software directly to the targeted phone and input an activation code. Once you receive the prompt that the installation is complete, you are ready to go to work using the application to see what the targeted phone’s user is doing. This whole process will only take a few minutes, and therefore, the users would not suspect they are being watched.

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Want to Track Text Messages on an iPhone?

Read more about Want to Track Text Messages on an iPhone? here

Find more about Want to Track Text Messages on an iPhone? here

iphone-spy-th Really now who doesn’t want to spy on their kids or spouses, right? It is more of a moral question, but anyone can do it given the right methods and know how. The item we have in mind is an effective, strong and easily implemented application for the iPhone that enables text tracking. This little spy program is made just for tracking text messages. All it takes is installing it on the phone you want to track. Other companies make the same kind of app. They both are completely invisible to the phone’s user. The one we are discussing here is from mSpy.

This app, once installed, reveals every text message sent from and to the target phone. Through the control panel, you find in your mSpy user account you can view past and present messages as they occur without getting caught. The research performed on text messaging states that around people use their phone for texting more than for actually talking, meaning that 84% of the time someone is texting someone else. Of all the companies, Nelson, that’s right the Nelson ratings people, postulated that teenagers, who do most of the texting in the world, send almost 3,340 texts in a 30 day period.

Nelson added that as the individual’s age increased the texting went down as with anything inversely proportional would. Nonetheless, texting has replaced the call and has been discovered has been gaining certain abuses by the teenage population. Therefore, texting is beginning to warrant greater attention. The reasons are many for wanting to know what your kids may be having conversations about and if your spouse is cheating. These are the first steps for allowing it. If the populace uses this kind of thing, the authorities sure can. mSpy is great to use for monitoring your children, spouse, and employees if you are a business owner.

In every generation, there is going to be new threats to the safety and security of the person in general, as of the past few years texting while driving has removed scrutiny from other dangerous activities. Nevertheless, with this app you can tell exactly when a text was received or when one was sent. You find this information in the online control panel. In addition, as the monitor, you have the ability to send anonymous texts to the target phone, and any other phone listed in the target phone’s address book.

So, what does all this mean? It means that you can invade your teenagers, employees, or your spouse’s privacy if you suspect questionable behavior. All the information received through the app is time and date stamped giving you all the information you need. The fact that you can access the target phone’s address book shows that the person receiving a test via the control panel will mistake it as coming from the person they think they are conversing. The app also allows the storage of all the data collected for later investigations.

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Expose A Cheater With A Phone Spy On Valentine’s Day

Read more about Expose A Cheater With A Phone Spy On Valentine’s Day here

Find more about Expose A Cheater With A Phone Spy On Valentine’s Day here

catch a cheater People usually don’t associate the idea of infidelity with the Great Valentine’s Day. Despite the fact that Valentine’s Season is the most romantic period of the year, it is also the time when cheating spouses/mates are most active.

That’s why many infidelity experts regularly conduct Infidelity Awareness Campaigns for the Valentine’s Season (Feb. 13th to Feb. 15th) in order make people realize that this season is one of the best times to catch the cheating partner.

The Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange

According to National Retail Foundation an estimated amount of $14.7 billion is expected to be spent this year on Valentine’s Day.

There is anticipation that cheaters will spend a major portion of this money for buying greeting cards, flowers, jewelry, lingerie, chocolates and various other gifts for their secret lovers.

During Valentine’s season, cheaters all around the world exchange gifts with the individuals they are cheating with. This fact can be used to your advantage in case you have suspicions that your spouse/mate is cheating on you. This season is definitely an ideal time period to catch the cheating partner with the other man/woman, or to get a solid proof of the secret affair.

It is a common practice that a cheating husband/boyfriend buys his secret lover a special gift for Valentine’s Day. This is because every cheating guy has to stay in the good graces of his secret lover. If they work or live in the same locality, it is quite easy for the guy to give her the Valentine’s gift personally.

While a cheating wife/girlfriend has to make certain arrangements in order to make it possible for her to receive the gift from the guy she is having an affair with.

If you notice that your spouse/partner is missing for a longer duration over the Valentine’s Season, then it is likely that the cheaters are having the Valentine’s Gift Exchange.

Look for the Paper Clues HE Might Leave

Regardless of the payment method, a cheating husband/boyfriend will definitely leave a paper clue in the form of ATM receipts, credit cards bills, store receipts or bank statements. With the help of these clues, you can easily know when and where those transactions took place, what the withdrawal amount was, how much money was spent and what gifts were bought etc.

The Suspicious Gifts Received by HER

Men who are suspicious that their wives/girlfriends are cheating on them should lookout for the suspicious gifts she might have received on the Valentine’s Day. You should be vigilant enough to take notice of any gifts she receives on that day like sexy lingerie, jewelry, flowers or any other thing. If you find her wearing a heart shaped pendant or other jewelry piece on Valentine’s Day, then it can be a gift from her secret lover.

Get mSpy to Catch the Cheater on Valentine’s Day

The latest technology has made it really easy for you to confirm all your infidelity suspicions in the most hassle free manner. You can use a reliable cell phone monitoring tool like mSpy to keep a track of all the activities of your cheating partner on this special occasion. This tool allows you to remotely listen to all the romantic calls made and received by your cheating spouse/mate. You can also view the all the romantic text messages sent and received by the cheater on the Valentine’s Day. You can easily uncover the truth by tracking the GPS location of your spouse/mate on this day. You just need to install this amazing tool on the smartphone of your cheating spouse/mate in order to catch him/her red-handed. So, what are you waiting for? Just try out this incredible cell phone monitoring tool to spy on the activities of your significant other over this Valentine’s Season.

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Today is Mistress Day: Expose Cheaters With Mobile Phone Spy

Read more about Today is Mistress Day: Expose Cheaters With Mobile Phone Spy here

Find more about Today is Mistress Day: Expose Cheaters With Mobile Phone Spy here

cheater_600 If your husband or boyfriend is cheating on you, they will definitely try to sneak out of home to give the Valentine’s Day gift to their mistress. Likewise a woman who is cheating on her husband/mate will like to receive her Valentines’ Day gift from her lover personally. Usually people prefer to be with their official partners on Valentines’ Day so they plan to secretly meet the other mate a day before Valentine’s Day which is often known as the Mistress day.

Absence of your Spouse on Mistress Day can be a Sign

If you have suspicions on your spouse/mate that they might be cheating on you because they read texts with half smiles, attend calls secretly or usually come home late and give lame excuses to you for their suspicious behavior then you need to be vigilant. Sometimes your cheating spouse will pretend to be indifferent about celebrating the Valentine’s Day and other times they will make a plan to be with you on Valentine’s Day making a work-related excuse for their absence on the Mistress Day. Mistress Day can be ideal for catching a cheating spouse/boyfriend as they will definitely try to contact the other woman before Valentine. If your spouse is making a lame excuse about being absent on 13th February for most part of the day and showed reluctance about you accompanying them to wherever they are going, then you need to keep your eyes open.

Possible Excuses Cheaters May Make on the Mistress Day

Cheaters are usually good at making excuses for sneaking out for a couple of hours on Mistress Day to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their lovers and deliver them gifts. Mistress Day is your best chance to catch cheaters who think they are plausible liars.

Primary Excuse Made by Cheating Men

There is a high possibility that a cheating husband/boyfriend will make an excuse related to work so that they can easily escape to their secret lover and you may not accompany them to their WORK. If it’s a work day then lunch time and after work hours are crucial as you have a better chance to catch your cheating spouse at these time slots.

Primary Excuse Made by Cheating Women

Women usually make excuses related to family and friends like they have to meet this friend who is in the town for a day or have to attend a sick relative etc. Cheating wives/girlfriends can use the work-related excuse as well.

A cheater usually acts suspiciously and usually their facial expressions do not support what they are saying. They fiddle and get nervous when asked about their Valentine’s Day plans. Keeping an eye on the body language and the facial expressions is really important especially when the cheating spouse is making excuses. Cheating on your partner is highly unethical and the doubt that you might have a cheating or disloyal significant other is agonizing.

mSpy: The Best Tool for Catching a Cheating Partner

Many people hire a private detective to catch the cheating spouse red handed which calls for a lot of money and time but there are other alternatives available in the market like mSpy. This monitoring and surveillance tool helps you to keep a track of the cellular phone activities of your cheating spouse. Once you install mSpy on the mobile phone of your partner, all the data including SMS, MMS, internet browsing history and call logs etc are uploaded to your online account. Usually the cheating significant other deletes the objectionable phone activities as they can get caught but with mSpy you receive the activity information as soon as it occurs. Nobody deserves a life full of lies, dark secrets and disloyalty so do something about it and end your frustration once and for all.

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

Using Cell Phone Spy to Discover If Your Spouse Cheats

Read more about Using Cell Phone Spy to Discover If Your Spouse Cheats here

Find more about Using Cell Phone Spy to Discover If Your Spouse Cheats here

cheating-confront There are some proven, easy and reliable ways to find out if your spouse is cheating. The uniqueness of this method ensues from the fact that it gives an irrefutable and solid proof within a matter of a few days.

The essential condition to discover the cheating spouse using this method is that he/she must already own a cell phone and regularly use it. Secondly, you should be able to get a few minutes of access to their mobile device. Using this possibility, you need to install a small mobile tracking application onto their mobile phone. The installation is quite simpler than you can imagine. You just need to know how to navigate to a specific web address with the help of the phone’s browser.

Upon its installation onto the device, the mobile spying application runs in the background completely invisible to the user. It is thoroughly impossible for the user of the phone to find out that it has been installed onto their hand set. The spy software will not show itself among the applications that are installed in the mobile phone.

The way the mobile spying software helps you is as follows. It captures all the communications and activities taking place through the mobile, copies the complete range of available data and passes it on to you to the cell phone spy subscriber’s area. You can easily log on to the subscriber’s area from anywhere via cell phone spy program and access the information stored for you.

The mobile spy program can supply you with an astounding amount of information regarding the target cell phone, its movements, location and activities. You can have the precise information of every single phone call made from or received in it besides all the sms messages sent from or received in the device. The information will also contain details regarding the duration of all the calls and the exact timings of calls and messages. The entire contents of the cell phone will be displayed for you. One of the interesting features of this software is an unrestricted access to the complete range of information stored in the target mobile’s phone book. You can keep track of the movements of your spouse and the mobile phone real time round the clock with the exact route traveled and the present location in the map.

Montag, 4. Februar 2013

How Mobile Tracking Software Can Strengthen Your Relationship

Read more about How Mobile Tracking Software Can Strengthen Your Relationship here

Find more about How Mobile Tracking Software Can Strengthen Your Relationship here

9efd5f9885c79bb36b0fb60eee6a6e2c It is highly useful to know how cell phone spy software can help you strengthen your relationship with your spouse. When you have suspicions that your spouse is cheating on you, you need to attend to it immediately and either clear your doubts or correct your erring partner. Frankly asking your partner about this will not be useful in most occasions. Your spouse may laugh at you and either say you are a paranoid or give an evasive reply adding up to your doubts. Under such circumstances, mobile tracking software will come to your assistance and let you monitor your spouse’s cell phone activities to find out the misbehavior with irrefutable evidence.

Sometimes, it might be a challenging issue to get hold of your partner’s cell phone without arousing any doubts. Some ingenious plans might work out for you in such a case. While going out for a dinner with your spouse, you can ask for his/her mobile under the excuse that your battery has drained. The immediate reaction of your spouse can give you a fair amount of idea regarding their loyalty. Some sort of hesitation on your spouse’s part can be a sign of something fishy and you might then be forced to use the cell phone spying software.

An alternative idea could be to get hold of your spouse’s mobile phone device while he/she is sleeping or in the bathroom. You need to do this carefully without being suspected or caught. Browsing through the received messages, you can watch out for messages giving rise to suspicions. You can also go through the call history and watch out for calls that have lasted more than 10 minutes. Listing out these suspicious numbers, you can either send them SMS or call them over phone to find out who they are. Again do this with enough care and precaution since you should not end up leaving the impression of a severely paranoid partner among the contacts of your spouse.

Sometimes, the worst could have happened when your spouse had deleted the call history or messages from his/her mobile phone in order to avoid any possible risks. Such instances might be indication that they are surely hiding something from you. However, do not be in a hurry. Watch out to check whether such a behavior repeats and also check whether your spouse is keen on attending calls many times in private. Under such obvious situations, it is a wise decision to monitor their cell phone activities and correct the things before they get worse.

Some philandering spouses might use techniques like using an extra cell phone without your knowledge or a secret SIM card that you do not know. While philandering spouses might use a number of techniques, their cell phones are the best targets to discover where and how they have gone wrong. This will help you catch them with enough proof and evidence. Using mobile tracking software can be of immense help to you in solving such issues.