Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Cell phone spy apps: keep your children free from danger

Read more about Cell phone spy apps: keep your children free from danger here

Find more about Cell phone spy apps: keep your children free from danger here

texting_driving_620x350 It is certainly not an alarmist thing to say that thanks to the internet and its ever increasing availability, that it is a lot easier for people to fall foul of conmen and criminals. Unfortunately the kind of nefarious activities that many criminals undertake online, is not limited to just the adult population or businesses. Unfortunately, children are becoming increasingly involved with criminal activity, be it as a victim or as a perpetrator, and as a parent this is something that you are not always going to be aware of.

Thanks to smart phones, their technological advancements and their ever increasing availability, there is a better than average chance, that when unsupervised, your child or children are being exposed to danger on an almost daily basis and this is something that needs to be avoided.

There are a number of potential threats to your children when they are left unsupervised whilst surfing the internet, and they range from cyber bullying, to the threat of pedophiles posing as other children in chat rooms etc. Cyber bullying is certainly on the increase and as well as being a threat to the overall wellbeing of your child, there is always the possibility that you discover that your child is in actual fact the one doing the bullying. Either way, it is not something that can be left alone and it would need to be sorted out as quickly as possible.

Thanks to the development of smart phone spying software, it is now a lot easier for parents and guardians to monitor the usage of any smart phone or tablet PC that their children are using, and this is especially helpful when they are out of the home. Because as a parent, you have little control over what they use their cell phone for, companies such as mSpy, have come up with an innovative cell phone app that allows you to monitor all of the usage of any phone the app is downloaded on to.

One of the best features of this kind of spy software is the fact that because most modern smart phones give off a GPS signal, you will be able to locate the person who is using the phone. That way you will always know their location and if they are somewhere they are not supposed to be, you can alert them to the fact that they need to be where they said they were going.

As well as keeping tabs on their location, you will also be able to monitor their telephone conversations as well as any emails and text messages they either send or receive, and this can help you to keep up to date with who they are communicating with, as well as what they are saying. You will also be able to monitor and even block certain numbers, contacts, websites and apps, if you believe that they are going to be having a negative effect on your child. You may consider apps such as these as an invasion of privacy, however, as a parent it is up to you to help keep your children free from danger until they are old enough to make their own decisions.

Dienstag, 26. März 2013

How cell phone spy apps are helping parents protect their kids online

Read more about How cell phone spy apps are helping parents protect their kids online here

Find more about How cell phone spy apps are helping parents protect their kids online here

mobile Most parents have come up against the problem of their child being under pressure to have the latest in technological gadgets, and as a parent of a teenager, this is something that is going to crop up on a semi-regular basis. No sooner have you bought the latest cell phone or tablet computer, then there is usually a better on to take its place, and no sooner have you given your son or daughter their new gadget, they are coming home and telling you that their friends have just got a better one. It is like fighting a losing battle against the seemingly relentless march of technology.

With all these smart phones and tablet computers, come the add-ons, and these are typically in the form of apps that can be downloaded on to the phone. Most children will also want the latest in games and social networking apps to be installed on their phone, and because a lot of them are free to download, it is not always possible for the parents to know exactly what their children are downloading on to their phones.

Social media and messaging sites can be great fun, and they can help you and your children to stay in touch with old friends, or relatives that live long distances away, without the need to spend money on expensive long distance telephone calls. However, for all the good that social networking site’s offer, there is always a downside and the primary problem is that they are open to abuse by criminals.

As a parent you want to keep your children safe from harm, but how do you know that the person they are communicating with online is who they say they are? The problem facing parents in the 21st century is no longer the stranger standing on the street corner, or hiding in the bushes at the local park, but the stranger who is online and pretending to be a teenage child.

Thankfully there is now a way in which you can monitor the online activity of your child, when they use their smart phone or tablet. You know that if your child is using the family’s main computer that with parental controls you can keep them fairly safe from harm whilst online. However, when you give them a smart phone or tablet PC, you are providing them with the opportunity to surf the internet freely without you knowing exactly who they are communicating with. Now there are a number of companies, such as mSpy, that have developed an app that you can download onto your child’s smart phone or tablet, and it allows you to keep tabs on all of their activity whilst using the device.

From phone conversations to emails and text messages, you can monitor them all and find out exactly who they are chatting to. You will have all the data you need with regards to the kind of websites they may be using as well as any photos and videos that may have been sent or received. If you do not like the look of something, then the app will allow you to block it, plus with the GPS function you can keep an eye on your child’s movements.

Dienstag, 19. März 2013

The Best Apps to become an iPhone Spy

Read more about The Best Apps to become an iPhone Spy here

Find more about The Best Apps to become an iPhone Spy here

how_to_monitor_health_using_an_iphone_0 If you are having problems with an employee or a relative or spouse and you want to make sure that you know exactly what they are getting up to whilst you are not around, then you should consider the advantages of cell phone spy software applications. These are apps that once downloaded on to a smart phone, will allow you to keep a track of its whereabouts, but it will also give you access to certain data relating to the phones calls and usage.

First used by government agencies in the past, this kind of software has more recently become available for the personal user, thanks to the advancement of smart phones and their technology. Their practical application has seen them being used more and more by parents who wish to keep a track on their children’s whereabouts and phone usage, as well as men and women who suspect that their partner maybe being unfaithful. Another aspect of society that have discovered the benefits of using cell phone spying applications, is the business sector, as more and more companies are providing smart phones to their employees for use, especially when they are out of the office, so more and more employers want to find out just what their staff use the phone’s for.

The mSpy software app is one of the most detailed out of all the cell phone spying apps that are currently available for the Apple iPhone, and it comes with a whole host of features that can help you to monitor whichever cell phone the app has been downloaded onto. Of course you have to actually download the app on to the target phone or phones in order for the app to record the information and relay it to you. This is easy if you own a business as the phones belong to you and you can download the app on every phone before you hand them over, so long as the employees understand that the phone will be being monitored, then you should not have any problems regarding the legality of capturing the data on the phone. However, if you are looking to download the cell phone spying app on to a partner or spouses cell phone then you will need to tread carefully as you will not want to alert them to the fact that the phone is being monitored. When successfully downloaded on to an iPhone, the mSpy app will run stealthily in the background so that the person is not aware that all their cell phone usage is being recorded and monitored.

Another great feature of this kind of software is that you can download it onto your phone or the phone of your child and if the phone is lost or stolen, you can use the app to successfully wipe all of the data from the phone as well as locking the phone rendering it unusable. This will help you to keep all of your personal data safe from criminals.

Samstag, 16. März 2013

GPS Handyspionage leicht gemacht

Read more about GPS Handyspionage leicht gemacht here

Mehr über GPS Handyspionage leicht gemacht gibts hier

Mit der Überwachungssoftware von mSpy ist es ihnen möglich durch GPS- Suche ein Smartphone ihrer Wahl auszuspionieren. Und so geht’s: Sie kaufen die mSpy Software und installieren sie auf dem Handy, welches sie überwachen wollen, dabei ist es egal um welche Marke von Handy es sich handelt, da diese Software mit so gut wie allen neuen Smartphones wie BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile und vielen mehr kompatibel ist. Danach folgen sie den Anweisungen und stellen die Funktionen ein die sie brauchen, denn mSpy bietet noch viele andere Funktionen, die ich gleich näher beschreiben werde. Diese Software ist absolut legal und sie ist auf dem Smartphone nicht sichtbar. Nun zu den Weitern Funktionen, so können sie nicht nur durch GPS den Standort des Handys bestimmen und so den Besitzer des Smartphones auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgen, sondern ist es ihnen möglich das Handy als Wanze einzusetzen um Gespräche aufzunehmen und sich sich anzuhören.

Orten sie Ihr Handy via GPS metergenau und 24/7 mit unserer Software

Orten sie Ihr Handy via GPS metergenau und 24/7 mit unserer Software

So können sie ebenfalls Telefongespräche mit verfolgen wann immer sie wollen. Des Weiteren ist es ihnen sogar möglich die SMS oder Whatsapp Nachrichten auszuspionieren. Verschickte Fotos und Emails zu sehen ist nur noch ein weiterer Vorteil von mSpy. Wenn ihnen diese Software gefällt, dann holen sie sich jetzt mSpy.

Dienstag, 5. März 2013

Why You Should Monitor Employee Mobile Phone Usage

Read more about Why You Should Monitor Employee Mobile Phone Usage here

Find more about Why You Should Monitor Employee Mobile Phone Usage here

H--My Documents-eTeleSolv-Pictures-ConsideringCorporateLiableMobilePlan-resized-600 As an employer you will want your staff to give their best when working for you, however, there are some unscrupulous employees who will not pull their weight when it comes to productivity and who will take advantage of any benefits you provide them.

One example of this is when you provide a mobile phone for your employee’s usage, only for them to constantly use it for personal calls. However, there is a way to curtail this private usage, and that is to make sure that the phone is fitted with a software program that will enable you to keep track of the calls and activities that the employee uses the phone for.

This software will not only help you to keep an eye on the amount of spending they are doing on private phone calls that is being paid for by you, the employer, but it will also be able to let you know just what they are up to throughout the day. And this can be especially helpful if your deceptive employee is out and about a lot during the day.

Another plus point to this kind of software is that it contains an advanced tracking system, powered by the GPS network which will allow you to monitor the exact whereabouts of your employee, and find out if he is spending his working hours doing something else, such as shopping.

Some unscrupulous employees may take the mobile phone that is for work use only and end up using it to talk to friends and family for hours on end. The cost of all these forbidden calls will have to be met by your company and has the potential to add up to a tidy sum over time. With this software installed on to the mobile phone, you will be made aware of these calls and text messages and will be able to take appropriate action to stop it. This is particularly important if the nefarious employee is using the phone to capture or distribute offensive pictures, because if caught by the authorities, your company name is registered on the phone and this can have a damaging effect on your company’s public profile, once the details become public.

You may well be wondering if this type of mobile phone monitoring is legal? Well, if the phone or phones are registered as your or your companies property then yes it is. However, it is advisable to make sure that the employees sign a legal document that makes them aware that their company mobile phone usage, and whereabouts during working hours, is going to be monitored, that way everyone knows where they stand. Plus they will be fully aware of just what disciplinary steps are likely to be taken if they are found out.

mSpy is one such software program that comes with a number of surveillance features that will help you to keep on the activities of your employees. This includes, phone calls, text messages, web pages visited as well as their locations and contacts.